Our previous blog gave an outline of the ARG grant and what eligible businesses can receive https://www.saint.co.uk/additional-restrictions-grant-arg/

Applications for most Cumbrian councils are still open.  For details on how to apply contact your local council:

Allerdale: applications closed 18 February
Barrow: applications close on 18 March https://www.barrowbc.gov.uk/coronavirus/financial-support-for-business-and-residents/additional-restrictions-grant/
Carlisle: applications close on 18 March https://www.carlisle.gov.uk/news-and-events/business-support
Copeland: applications close on 18 March https://www.copeland.gov.uk/coronavirus-resources-business
Eden District Council: applications closed on 14 February
South Lakeland District Council: applications close on 14 March https://www.southlakeland.gov.uk/business-and-trade/business-support-grants-coronavirus-covid-19

As always please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any queries.