How To Solve The Biggest Problems With Recruitment

Hiring a new member of staff is always challenging, but luckily we’re here to help you solve these 3 common recruitment problems.

No matter where you are in your business life cycle, hiring the right people will always be crucial to the well-being and performance of your company. But before your ideal candidate signs on the dotted line, you’re sure to encounter a number of recruitment challenges.

Here we take a look at 3 of the most common, and explain how you can overcome them.

1. Your ideal candidates are thin on the ground

Or at least that’s how it can seem. While your industry might be experiencing something of a talent shortage, if you don’t find a way to cut through the noise on social media and the vast number of job sites, your own employment opportunities can be easily missed.

To counter this, you need to learn how to creatively market your available roles so that they reach your ideal candidates. This can be via social media, email marketing, or in person at job fairs or graduate events.

Here’s a terrific article outlining 29 ways to find employees to inspire you.

2. The candidates responding aren’t qualified

If you hit every available job board, post consistently on your social media accounts, and put a ‘help wanted’ sign front and centre on your website, chances are you’ll be inundated with applications.

But will they all be qualified for the role? More often than not, the answer is no.

To overcome this, you need to go back to the beginning and look at your job description. Are you accurately explaining the skills and qualifications you expect from a new employee? Are you expecting too much in terms of experience or education? Are you paying the going rate for the level of expertise you require to take your business forward?

You need to effectively screen candidates that are incompatible for the role by being crystal clear as to your requirements. If you can, use an existing employee who excels at their job to help you draft a more accurate description.

3. Your candidates are accepting other offers

It’s clear that a talented individual who demonstrates the ideal level of skill and experience in your industry will attract the attention of your competition. To ensure you don’t lose out on the hire to one of your competitors, you need to monitor the entire recruitment process from beginning to end.

This means being more responsive to new applications, and communicating decisions in a timely fashion. You might even consider issuing reminders to both candidates and interviewers with regards to upcoming interviews.

Beyond being more organised, you need to make sure the interviews themselves are memorable, enjoyable, and indicative of the overall working experience. Delivering such an interview can be enough to sway a prospective candidate’s opinion in your favour.

Need Some Advice? Let’s Talk

With over 130 years in business, we’ve encountered and overcome a number of recruitment challenges. We can help you do the same by offering advice as trusted business advisers, or by introducing you to someone in our extensive network.

Simply fill out our contact form, or call us on 01228 534371 to get started.