We are planning on remaining open through these trying times for many businesses. With many staff already having flexibility to work at home – Partners, certain staff and our whole payroll department are set up and ready to work remotely, should this become necessary.

We are dedicated to continue to support you through the coming months which may provide challenging for many people. 

Hygiene and Safety

We continue to follow all government guidance in relation to safety of our staff and clients, and we are prepared should there be further, more constringent, announcements.

Currently we are offering remote meetings via telephone or skype and we would encourage clients to utilise this option where available.

All offices are sharing the NHS guidance on hygiene and are undergoing additional cleaning at various points throughout the day of high contact areas, such as door handles and banisters.

We would ask that no handshakes or personal contact is to take place at any of our offices.

We continue to monitor all government advice and should further measures be taken we will update you accordingly. Rest assured we are ready and prepared to continue to provide support to your business.

What support is available for businesses?

The government continue to provide further guidance each day and it is expected that tonight Mr Sunak, Chancellor of the exchequer, will announce a package of support that will help keep thousands of business afloat, and we will update you on this at the time.

The current reliefs and tax breaks that are available for individuals and businesses that were announced in the budget last week are:

  • HMRC business support line, where customers can arrange installment plans, suspending debt collection proceedings, and cancelling penalties/interest where you have administrative difficulties contacting HMRC or paying immediately

HMRC can be contacted on 0800 0159 559, or visit https://www.gov.uk/government/news/tax-helpline-to-support-businesses-affected-by-coronavirus-covid-19 for more information.

  • Abolition and reduction in business rates for many small businesses for properties with a rateable value below £51,000 from April 2020.  (This only applies in England)
  • A new Coronavirus Business Interruption Loan Scheme. This will see loans of up to £1.2 million being made available to small and medium businesses. It is expected that this will be made available in a matter of weeks and we will provide further information when released.
  • As communicated to many of you already Statutory Sick pay will be paid by the government for businesses with fewer than 250 employees. Additionally, it will be paid from day 1 not day 4.
  • £3,000 grants to be given to small businesses who pay little or no business rates because of Small Business Rates Relief. Again, further guidance is due to be issued in relation to this.

Further information is available at https://www.gov.uk/government/news/coronavirus-support-for-employees-benefit-claimants-and-businesses?fbclid=IwAR28TCEdtTCS-V8FGrFbxRKlw_HBuaIepSyGOShcWCxCZ22PCmSwiK_dTjQ for all individuals and businesses.

Please do get in touch if you have any concerns or wish to discuss the impact of COVID-19 on your business.