In our recent blog about the challenges charities face in 2020, we reported that four in five charity leaders surveyed last year experienced an increasing demand for their services in 2019. 

In the face of increasing demand, organisations are feeling the need for access to funds in order to stay afloat and provide sustainably for those who need it most. 

If you run a charitable organisation, you will know just how crucial core funding is for sustainability. It is the difference between barely surviving and thriving. Core funding provides:

  • Security in times of financial difficulty
  • Strength in teams and in back office operations
  • A foundation to build on with other funds and investments
  • The opportunity for long term planning and innovation
  • A vital lifeline for resources

The problem is that investment isn’t always easy to just ‘go out and get’. Recently we’ve come across some means of funding you may not even be aware exist for you. Here’s a quick look at those options. 

If you’re a Scottish charity, you may be eligible for a Bank of Scotland Foundation grant

The Bank of Scotland Foundation gets a yearly donation from Lloyds Banking Group, as part of a joint mission to help Scotland prosper. Those funds are given to chosen charities in Scotland in the form of a grant, or as part of a ‘Matched Giving Programme’. 

Last year, the foundation launched a strategic five year plan, with a range of new funding programmes for 2020, tailored to provide stability for small and medium sized charities who are aiming to make positive and lasting change by addressing disadvantage or social exclusion.

In 2019, sixty two charities in Scotland were awarded a share of £1.9 million in funding from the foundation. With this funding, those charities can continue their work to improve the lives of vulnerable people in Scotland. 

If you’re a Scottish organisation with an income of £1 million or less, you can apply for a grant from £1000 – £20,000 over one year to support your charitable activities. Find out if you’re eligible here.

Share your message with a wider audience with Google Ad Grants

Google ads are designed to target users who are searching for the kind of product or services you offer. Every second, millions of searches are carried out on google, and with a targeted google ad, you can get in front of the very people who are most likely to be impacted by your cause. 

Google Ad Grants works exactly the same way as a traditional Google Ad, by sharing your message with people who are searching for non profits. You’ll have greater visibility, and therefore a greater awareness of your cause, without the cost. 

Science Buddies, a Non-Profit that provides free science project tools and mentoring to students is one of Google Ad Grants success stories. By using online advertising they’ve already seen:

  • 18.2 million clicks to their website
  • 100k students registered in a year
  • 1500 teachers downloaded resources

To be eligible for a grant of up to $10,000 USD of advertising, you must be in one of the 50+ qualifying countries (of which the UK is a part), be of charity status in your country and have a website that meets google’s website eligibility policy. 

Think you match the criteria? Start the process of applying here

Keep an eye on outside-the-box opportunities

As a firm who supports charities and nonprofit organisations, we’re always on the lookout for funding opportunities that will make a considerable difference to the running of your organisation and we’ll continue to share anything we find that might be useful. 

We’ll focus on finding the funding, so that you can focus on delivering the best possible care with the funds provided to you. 

If you find you’re eligible for one of these grants, firstly, congratulations! Secondly, if you’d like proactive help with budgeting and making the most of the money available to you, you know where we are.