“I’m passionate about technology and its power to change the way we live and work.” Ashleigh Lambert, Xero

Technology does have great power. But if that’s the case, why would we ask Ashleigh to speak at our BITE event about how technology is NOT the next great thing?

After all, this event is centred on the greatness of good technology. Tech like Xero, which simplifies your accounting. Like AutoEntry, which literally saves you hours of time on bookkeeping tasks. Rocketspark, which enables you to set up an effective website within days (not months).

But what is this technology doing for us?

We look around at humanity staring at their phones, heads down, constantly tapping and sending and viewing. It’s tempting to think that we have sacrificed the personal connection for the digital one.

The truth is, technology has changed the way we live. It’s an undeniable part of life. We tend to use Google maps instead of a paper map, look up an answer online instead of asking a random stranger, and text instead of call.

Even HMRC has recognised the need for businesses to utilise digital technology in relation to their accounts. Within the next several years, instead of a yearly tax return, businesses will need to set up a digital tax account and file an online return once per quarter.

There are hundreds of stories like that of Pete and Charlotte, who own a veterinary practice. Thanks to Xero they have more time with the animals and their owners, and less stress about getting bogged down with admin and bookkeeping.

You see, technology has great power: to point us back to human relationships.

We’re coming back full circle. The old days, where “people did business with people”, aren’t really the old days at all. People still do business with people. And if you want time with your family, time with your customers, time to relax, time to invest more in your business… that’s where technology comes in.

We know the power that technology has, because we’ve experienced it at Saint for ourselves and the businesses we work with every day. Delivering the BITE event for our clients and local businesses stems from our enthusiasm for what it can do for you.

Technology was the next great thing: but now it’s settling into the background. Now we can look at what the next great thing really is: people. Humans. Connection. Relationship.

You’ll get the full story from Ashleigh when you join us at BITE.  See you there!